Building this site
This is kind of where I started:
And this is where I got:
So, basically, I’ve been taking notes of the things I do with my programming time in order to be more organized and to slowly build a knowledge base, if you will, that I could later reference and, of course, use it to make my CV look cool.
I’ve been beating around the bush for this project for the longest time. I tried out quite a few static site generators but I could never settle with one. Nor did I feel I had the content to share, so I ended up just spending hours picking themes and not writing much.
Well, now I’ve got the content, and here it is.
In the end, I picked the one generator that I heard a lot about but that didn’t have nearly as many ready to go themes as I had seen with Jekyll or Hugo: Bridgetown.
the experience
Well, I don’t think there’s much to be said. It’s good. It does what I need it to do, it gives me a barebones, no css (or almost no css) and no JS website ready for me to write to.
And, apparently, that’s what I needed, because this post is being written and I feel like finally I’m publishing things worth reading. Ate least worth reading to me by my own future self.
The main lesson I learned was:
You don’t need themes, you don’t need plugins. You need a site and you should learn basic CSS. It’ll do wonders for you. And if you don’t know what to write about, take notes of what you do at work. Everyday we learn something new that’s worth putting down to paper. Or bits, in our case.